
 Exam Global Properties Management Includes:  

  • Create Exam Manager
  • Create / Edit Exam Name
  • Provide Optional Description for Exam
  • Exam Collaborators Manager
  • Exam Markers Manager
  • Define Multiple Groups Exam Access Levels
  • Set Exam Arrival / Delivery Period
  • Set Exam Expiry Period
  • Schedule Notification of Exam Availability to User
  • Schedule Notification of Exam Expiry to User
  • Exam Timed / Exam Not Timed / Force Exam Closure at Expiry Point
  • Force Completion of Questions Before Exam can be Finished
  • Refer to Exam as "exam, test, assessment or training"
  • Use Descriptive Grading
  • Manage Grade Cut Off Scores Per Exam
  • Adjust Cut Off Scores Post Exam Completion - Re-Issue Assessment Certificates
  • Closing Comments Manager
  • Examination Certificate Creator / Manager
  • Certificates can Include Dynamic Score, Name, and Unique Identifier Items

     Question Manager Includes:  

  • Create Question Step-by-Step Manager
  • Multiple Choice Single Answer Auto-Marked
  • Multiple Choice Multiple Answers Auto-Marked
  • Single Line Question / Answers
  • Paragraph Question / Answers
  • Essay Questions / Answers
  • Supports Multiple Question Variation Pools
  • Set Question
  • Change Question Type
  • Edit Question Order
  • Create Visual Questions via BeeCOS (cms & lrms)
  • Allocate Assigned Question Points Per Question (some questions can be worth more than others)
  • Set Multiple Responses
  • Set Text for Incorrect / Correct Options in Multiple Choice Questions
  • Set Question Embedment to Page Contents
  • Show Question by Itself
  • Bind Question to "Section" Allowing for Questions to be Sectionised
  • Preview Question Interface - Shows Final Rendered Layout
  • Update Question
  • Delete Question

     Take Exam Manager:  

    The Take Exam Interface delivers all allocated exams to the user from one convenient location.

     View Exam Results Manager:  

    The View Examination Results interface exam participants to browse any previously completed exams and review each and every question - including teacher / marker comments per question.

     Class Summary Manager:  

    Class Summary Manager provides a console to view all completed exams and summaries of results.

    Examination participants can be issued their completion certificates in batches or individually through this interface. The interface also displays user names, status of completion, marked status, final grade and action status on whether a certificate has been issued.

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