
 Table Management Console:  

  • Visual Table Designer
  • Create New Table Manager
  • Table Properties Manager (Name and User Group Access Control)
  • Groups Differentiated Access Levels to Tables

     Field Management Console:  

  • Step by Step Input Field Creator / Editor
  • Manage Field Display Order in Input Forms
  • Groups Differentiated Access levels to Fields
  • Set Field Type (text, checkbox, selection menu, radio button list, credit card)
  • Field Name Manager
  • Mandatory Controller
  • Primary Key Manager
  • Set Default Field Value
  • Field Properties Controller for all Field Types
  • Control Text Input Box Length and Height
  • Define Groups Read and Write Level of Access Per Field
  • Write / Read Level Control Per Field

     Edit Data Management Console:  

  • Display Only Fields You Wish to Edit
  • Search for Field Contents Based on In-bulit Database Search Engine
  • Match Exact Criteria for Your Search With Ease
  • Show Records Matching Your Search Criteria
  • Show All Records
  • Add Records
  • Zebra Striped Search Results Display (ease of reading)
  • Edit Record Data
  • Update Edited Field

     Import Data Management Console:  

  • Database Creator Allows You to Import Data From Other Legacy Databases

    The Importer Engine prevents errors and field mismatches which can occur when importing legacy data. Should there be a mismatch of fields, Data Importer will provide you with a complete report and safely abort the import routine so that you can correct the problem and re-import to Business Database & Survey Creator without any loss of data or database functionality.

     Analyse Results and Export Data Management Console:  

    You can analyse your database at any time with Business Database & Survey Creator. This module enables you to selectively analyse data for a specific query or export. The analysis and data mining engine within Business Database & Survey Creator ensures your query and export requirements are met exactly.

    Additionally, this tool enables you to re-purpose selected criteria within your data for other tasks or requirements. Through the analysis and export process you can create a unique subset of data from a master database quickly and effectively. These outputs can also be imported directly into child databases if required.

     Features Include:  

  • Display Only Fields You Wish to Analyse or Export
  • Analyse Fields for Content Through The In-built Search Engine
  • Match Exact Criteria for Your Search & Data Export With Ease
  • Show All Records Option
  • Zebra Striped Display of Search Results
  • Export Directly to CSV Files

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